Monday, September 3, 2012

Color Me Confused?

I don't normally think of myself as a PINK person, I like the color and love any neon version of it but I never really wear it. So, when figuring out my blog style and what not I find myself making everything pink... I was a little like huh? Do I have a fever? Well- apparently- I do in fact have pink fever. I'm usually drawn to blue-ish hues and it shows in my wardrobe and current bedroom decor and I'm happy with that but I think it may be time for a little more variety.

test pinktest

I go back through my pins on Pinterest every now and again (just to refresh my memory on what I've collected) and there is just a slew of pink things! Clearly someone somewhere is trying to tell me something: Get over yourself & grab some pink! I even bought a new pink nail polish yesterday & have planned several more purchases for the near future. Pretty, pretty pinkness everywhere! 


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Captured by Instagram // 2

I'm working on a schedule for certain posts & Sunday's have been dubed 'Captured by Instagram' day. Basically, this is going to be a "my week in photos" post & since I don't normally lug my Canon around with me & I always have my cell phone - this is perfect. I had an idea I was going to do this in my first post but not exactly sure how or when, so while this is the first official insta-post, it's really the second (check the first out over here)


So far it's Instagram Sunday's, Fashion Friday's  & Color Me Monday's- along with a Lily's Loves post once a week. Keep a weather eye on the horizon for more juicy posts! Let me know your ideas in the comments below, what do you want to see?
